It has come to my attention that my brother, Thomas Alexander McConnell, would make an excellent VCA student. Our breakfast conversation this morning is a prime example of his ability in the field of Conceptual art and artistic ideas. Here is a recount of what happened.
I had just finished pouring the rice milk into my glass of activite (drinking chocolate) when Tom exclaimed, "STOP! THAT'S PERFECT! THAT is why you got into the VCA." He took my glass and placed it on the higher ledge of the kitchen bench. "You've represented the financial crisis in laymans terms. You see, the activite (Australian - good choice) represents the working class Australian society, while the RICE milk represents our government in conjunction with Asian authorities, showing the suppression of US, the true blue Aussie battler to the bottom rung of society. But you see, when you stir it up, these two essentially different parties become equal, and no one is clean."
Tastes pretty good to me.
Oh and he also did this conceptual drawing. It's a puppy.
Yours sincerely,
Sarah McConnell
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