So ah, just got a program off the internet that rips DVDs and so I thought I'd put up the full birthday video that Karina and I made for Min-Yee's 18th last year as requested by a couple of people.
Ok so it's not really the FULL video, its just the main section. Intro message, back-end birthday messages and outtakes have not been included because I had to reduce the file size significantly, as you will see shortly.
I think this would have to be THE WORST quality I've seen in an online clip EVER. So many lost frames, so many glitches, and if it plays the same as on my computer, the sound is slightly out of sync with the visuals. I promise the whole thing matched up perfectly in the original - Karina can vouch for that. *sigh*
Such a shame.
(Yep! just checked it, it's about 1.5 seconds out of sync by the time it reaches the end. Terrible.)