29 March, 2011


Dear Dad, Thank you for reminding me tonight. You're absolutely right, it has been quite a while since I last posted something on my blog. It's not that I had forgotten, I just have way too much on my plate at the moment and I've neglected it. I love the fact that you still look at my blog even though we live in the same house, and I love the feedback you give me on what I've written or posted. To be honest, I think the conversations we have are far more interesting and expansive than what little insight I give here, but I thoroughly enjoy your interest all the same. Let me show you what I put up in the group tutorial that I was so down about on the weekend: 26 REJECTED SELF-PORTRAITS Photobucket Here's some of the scrunched up ones. Photobucket And here's some of the originals, post destruction/improvement. Photobucket Thanks for the memo, Dad. Hope you enjoyed the update! Love Sarah xox

01 March, 2011


Perhaps on a lighter note...

Every Friday morning at 6:50am my brother and I jump on a train to go to the chiropractor with Father Bear before heading to the Galleon cafe in StKilda for breakfast. While I'm waiting for my scrambled tofu and enoki mushrooms, I have just enough time to scribble a blind contour drawing of the other two members of our breakfast party, often with a conversation fragment or two thrown in for good measure.

To anyone who hasn't ever seen brother Tom and father Glynn, this is EXACTLY what they look like. Don't be fooled by the floating lines, open shapes and overall grotesque appearance - I'm giving Da Vinci a run for his money.
I swear.








